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Safe Schools Learning Act of 2013

Providing a safe learning environment is top priority of both the Alpine County Unified School District and Alpine County Office of Education. As part of the Safe Schools for Safe Learning Act of 2013, local and statewide resources have been identified to help those families who may have been affected by gangs, gun violence, physical./mental/and/or drug abuse, and psychological trauma caused by violence at home, at school, and in the community.


Alpine County Resources 

Tahoe Youth and Family Services
Provides mental health counseling, mentoring and substance abuse treatment. Their mission is to promote the healthy development of children, families and individuals through counseling, mentoring and support programs.
(530) 541-2445
24 hour crisis line: (800) 870-8937
Crisis text line: text “tahoeyouth” to (530) 839-863


Alpine County Behavioral Health Services
Their main focus is to provide comprehensive and cost effective behavioral health services in a professional and caring environment.
Office number: (530) 694 1816
24 hour crisis line: (800) 318-8212

Alpine Kids
Their mission is to make life better for the children in Alpine County by teaching families how to play together without the use of drugs & alcohol. The Alpine Kids organization has both a family and a teens program.
(530) 694-2934


Live Violence Free
Live Violence Free is committed to promoting a violence free community through education and advocacy to address domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and basic needs. Some of their services include violence prevention and outreach education, parent to parent program, advocacy and peer counseling, batterers intervention program, confidential safe house, and therapy services
24 hour crisis line: (888) 750-6444
Office line: (530) 694-1853


Suicide Prevention Network
provides help, hope, comfort, understanding and support in a confidential environment, free of charge. Can also connect people with others who are walking the same journey.
24 hour crisis line (800)-273-talk
Office line: (775) 783-1510


Alpine County Child Abuse Prevention Council
Mission: Promoting safe and healthy families through advocacy and support
530 694-2235 ext.230


California Resources


The California Cities Gang Prevention Network Focuses on successful policies and practices that balance prevention, intervention, and enforcement efforts, and seeks community input to provide an alternative to prison as a solution to gang involvement.


Homeboy Industries Provides hope, training, and support to formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated men and women, allowing them to redirect their lives. Homeboy Industries serves high-risk, formerly gang-involved men and women with a continuum of free services and programs, and operates several social enterprises that serve as job-training sites.


California Gang Reduction, Intervention and Prevention Program: (CALGRIP) Gang Prevention Funding This annual grant program is designed to reduce gang and youth violence. Applications must be made by cities, which administer the grants, but funding then may be allocated to community-based organizations and public agencies that target youth, law enforcement agencies, and probation departments that engage in suppression strategies.


Gun Violence

Safe Storage of Firearms (English) (DOC)


Available Translations of Safe Storage of Firearms Sample memorandum to parents and guardians on the importance of the safe storage of firearms.


Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence are affiliated American nonprofit organizations that advocate for gun control.


Prediction, Prevention, and Policy The American Psychological Association provides research-based conclusions and recommendations on how to reduce the incidence of gun violence, whether by homicide, suicide, or mass shootings.


National Institute of Justice The National Institute of Justice is the research, development, and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. Their mission is to advance scientific research and develop resources to address crime and gun violence.


Psychological Trauma

Recovering Emotionally from Trauma and Disaster The American Psychological Association provides resources to help cope effectively with the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors after traumatic events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, accidents or wildfires. For many people, there are no outwardly visible signs of physical injury, but there can be an emotional toll. These resources assist with recovery.


Talking to Your Children About the Recent Spate of School Shootings Every child will respond to trauma differently. Some will have no ill effects; others may suffer an immediate and acute effect. Still others may not show signs of stress until sometime after the event.


Recovering Emotionally from Disaster Understanding the emotions and normal responses that follow a disaster or other traumatic event can help you cope with your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors—and can help you on the path to recovery.


Open Up! Writing About Trauma Reduces Stress, Aids Immunity Writing about difficult, even traumatic experiences appears to be good for health on several levels—raising immunity and other health measures and improving life functioning.


Helping Your Children Manage Distress in the Aftermath of a Shooting As a parent, you may be struggling with how to talk with your children about a shooting


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